Have We Found the Fountain of Youth?: New Research into Blood Dilution Proves Promising for Rejuvenation Therapies

By: Nitya Sriram For thousands of years, adventurers from across the globe traveled in search of the Fountain of Youth: a spring that would supposedly grant eternal life to those who drink from it. While not quite as thrilling as a magical Fountain of Youth, researchers at UC Berkeley’s Conboy lab in the bioengineering department […]

Dumpster Diving for Cancer Cells Made Easy: Targeting Cancer Cells With ARS1620 Modified K-RAS (G12C)

By Crystal Chu With an estimated total of 1.9 million new cases in 2022, cancer—the second most common cause of death in the USA—is projected to cause 609,360 nationwide deaths in 2022 [1]. Thus, identifying cancer in its early stages before tumors spread to multiple organs is imperative. However, this task is easier said than […]

A New Application of CRISPR-Cas9: The Gut Microbiome

By Lily Zimmerman Bacteria are tiny organisms that create a great range of effects, from causing life-threatening illness to carrying out important internal bodily functions. We often view these tiny creatures as harmful, but in reality, they are absolutely essential to our survival. Bacteria, specifically the billions that populate the gut, help metabolize nutrients, fend […]

Epilepsy Research

By: Jacob Yinger Epilepsy is a disease that 50 million people worldwide suffer from, and 80% of those reside in third world countries with minimal access to healthcare. This disease causes irreversible brain damage due to unwarranted electrical activity in the brain, which results in regular seizures. There are many treatments for  epilepsy, mostly consisting […]

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