Epilepsy Research

By: Jacob Yinger Epilepsy is a disease that 50 million people worldwide suffer from, and 80% of those reside in third world countries with minimal access to healthcare. This disease causes irreversible brain damage due to unwarranted electrical activity in the brain, which results in regular seizures. There are many treatments for  epilepsy, mostly consisting […]

The Medical Revolution of Virus Treatment and Diagnostics: CRISPR-Cas

by: Paige McGarry Recent developments in the gene-editing technology CRISPR-Cas have introduced incredible advancements in diagnostic procedures. As of late, the SARS-CoV-2 virus has impacted more than 215 countries around the world, and with no evident cure, the virus is leaving destruction in its wake. The diagnostic abilities of CRISPR-Cas pose potential solutions towards solving […]


by: Amy Wise How does our brain decide between passively processing what we see and integrating the world around us into perception and experience? Numerous psychological studies seek to understand the basis of attention. Attention is the foundation of learning because it allows our brain to process information and begin to develop perception. If we […]

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